Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 38

Accomplished last week:

Believe it or not, we worked our tails off this past week! I'm still hopefully to be able to video TL4 Front and TL5 Heel. I wanted to get TL4 Finish as well, but I seemed to have broken Finish trying to get Front. (sigh)

I will probably try testing TL4 Retrieve as well, as "Hold" is so nebulous I'm beginning to think I'm trying for too much.

The bulk of our time was spent on grooming. As I mentioned last week (or so) I have been remiss in my grooming duties, just letting the groomer take care of Zachary things while I lavished my grooming love on Beau. Now I'm missing fussing over a furry friend, so Zachary is learning to be patient.

No photographs this week - I'm out of hard disk space, so until I off load things to thumb drives, I'm stuck. Of course, I'll want to take a zillion pictures of One-of-Ten, so unstuckness needs to happen very, very soon.

Enough writing, below is the plan for next week:

(As always, click to see larger)

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