I have no idea why I keep running behind uploading this, after being relatively reliable most of the year. Oh well, something to work on for next year.
Accomplished Last Two Weeks:
Worked mainly on Training Levels Two Step One, and created quite a few clips that are awaiting compiling in a video.
Planned for Next (this) Week:
Continue on Training Levels Two Step One, and try harder to get back on schedule! I also want to revisit Goals, Resolutions, and possible the entire Curriculum (but probably make few, if any, changes)
- The Cold Puppy
- Wordless Wednesday
- Walk This Way
- Xmas Party
- Growing Up
- Little Dog Bug Dog
- Spin-o-rama
- Wordless Wednesday - Field of Leaves
- Oh, Deer
- The Evil Jingle Collar
- More Evil Jingle Collar
Released Video: n/a
(As always, click to see larger)